
Monday 7 November 2011


My previous post about Christmas reminded me of the lies that are regurgitated every year by the lackeys of the right. Unfortunately the likes of the Daily Mail have managed to create stories that have ended up as urban myths, and gullible people fall for it hook, line and sinker!

It’s easy to spot these twerps. They tend to mumble stuff about “political correctness gone mad” or will complain about health and safety, or the EU or immigration. They always have to have a bogeyman (or woman) to complain about; a nebulous evil spirit that manifests itself in the form of their particular prejudice. In counteracting such twatishness there is none better than Stewart Lee. See here his riposte of the lies about ‘Winterval’. The man is spot on:

I’ve never understood why political correctness should be used as a form of abuse. What’s wrong with doing the right thing? Nothing I suppose unless you are a complete pillock. Again I shall call expert witness Stewart Lee. You cannot argue with this stuff!

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  1. I love your chip, Paul. Pass me your address and I'll write to Santa to see if he can send you one for your other

  2. When health and safety extends into not allowing kids to play conkers or to stand under a tree in the playground in case conkers might fall on their heads then the fucking world has gone mad and the only ones who are laughing are those in the legal profession who will be coining it in via their cuts from the claims for compensation by the work shy benefits scum who are no doubt relaxed in the knowledge that if the shit hits the fan, The European Court of Human Rights more commonly known as The Criminal's Charter will step in to protect them. Funny stuff!

  3. No chips and I refuse to argue with anyone who just spouts bigoted clichés.

  4. Who's arguing? Ha! Chill,'re a long time

  5. I'll be writing a blog post about racism shortly and who the real racists are so look in; you might like it.

    I might even do one about health and safety and The PC

  6. Please let me know when you've posted them so that I can make a point of ignoring them.

  7. Bigots eh? lol

    Ok, there's one up that you can ignore, but we both know that you'll just have to look, you won'tbe able to resist, I know your type....Ha!

  8. If that's what you wish to believe I won't burst your little bubble.

  9. Thanks, I knew you had a heart in there somewhere.
