Thursday 26 July 2012

Dear Diary Nº3

Dear Diary you find me having been a bit under the weather of late. Health issues to be precise. Men are notoriously bad about certain and many health problems. Yes we get man-flu, which is highly debilitating, but we never complain about that. But we tend to ignore tell-tale signs that our bodies give us about bits that might start to break down or fall off. And, men don’t talk about health do they DD? No Paul they don’t.

A definite no go area for us chaps is to talk about the prostate. DD don’t tell anyone but I’ve got a prostate problem. Mine is enlarged according to the doctor that stuck his finger up my arse. I’ve also had blood and urine tests to see if there are any signs of anything else being untoward and thankfully there doesn’t appear to be. So Dear Diary I can no longer ‘write’ my name in front of me on the urinal, it takes me a bit longer to wee and I usually have to get up in the night to visit the lav but I can live with that. Apparently past the age of 55 the men’s prostates do start to increase in size, its part of the natural aging process, just some increase more than others. Other problems can occur. Cancer for instance. But if caught early can be treated successfully. Dear Diary I think more chaps should be aware of this stuff, not stay silent and should certainly seek medical advice.

DD they do say that, “it never rains but it pours”, and that’s how it seems to me as my blood tests showed up that I have Impaired Glucose Tolerance. My blood sugar level is on the high side of normal. I also have a spare tyre. Dear Diary I need a lifestyle change; more exercise and a better diet. This is it now for the rest of my life. If I can stave off diabetes I will do so.

This getting old lark is a bit of a bugger really.

Psst! Dear Diary like I said don’t breathe a word of this to anyone please.

Life tag – Jethro Tull – Life is a Long Song

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed

A week and a half ago I was traipsing about in the mud at Ely Folk Festival. My main reason for going was to see Show of Hands. I’m a late convert to the Show of Hands cause. On record I never really understood what all the fuss was about. I have loved folk music since the seventies. I had seen Phil Beer perform live as part of the Albion Band many years ago. But, Show of Hands just didn’t do it for me. That was until March of last year. In March of last year I went on the TUC March for the Alternative in London and we finished up in Hyde Park for speeches and entertainment. Show of Hands topped the bill so to speak. I watched. I enjoyed. I felt the music. The penny dropped. They played a short but blinding set. And, the song that stood out from that set, and the song that turned my head was their song about the bankers and the capitalist money men who have exploited and financially raped us; Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed. It is a perfectly crafted song that says all that there needs to be said about the misery that these evil people, the monied classes, have inflicted upon us. It makes the hairs stand up on the back of my neck when I hear it. I hope it moves you as much as it moves me. Here it is:

Sunday 8 July 2012

Trees Nº1

I learned recently that a very good friend shares my love of trees, and their odd and interesting shapes. I admitted to often taking photos of them. With our conversation in mind I thought I’d look through my photos and perhaps share a picture or two.

So here are two: