I've long loved the poetry of Christina Rossetti and this gentle poem is a gem. What rhymes with orange by the way?
I've had this recording in the can for quite some time. I thought the world might be ready for it now.
I've long loved the poetry of Christina Rossetti and this gentle poem is a gem. What rhymes with orange by the way?
I've had this recording in the can for quite some time. I thought the world might be ready for it now.
"Gunnera is the sole genus of herbaceous flowering plants in the family Gunneraceae, which contains 63 species. Some species have extremely large leaves."
We don't have a garden but I quite like looking at other people's, and sometimes taking photographs. Last week we had a holiday in Devon, stopping in mediocre accommodation, but set in 13 acres of garden. There were some lovely examples of Gunnera and I took quite a lot of photos of them. Actually I took about 560 photos on holiday of various things, I get carried away, only about 30 were of Gunnera. Anyway here are about half of them:
What is art?
I fear it will be quite a few years before England can rejoin the EU, but rejoin it will, of that I am in no doubt. Just because the end goal is on the distant horizon it doesn't mean there are not other victories to be won on the way. Victories that will hasten our return.
If you want to be a citizen of Europe again it will require you to be involved in politics to one degree or another. Progressive change isn't carried out by an elite few. That's reactionary change; a reverting back to the bad old days. The more people involved in politics the better. And if you tell me that all political parties are the same and that there isn't one to suit you, then you have one of two choices. Join an existing party and work to change it from within or help form a new party. That's how you take back control!
One thing that is long overdue is the need to change the voting system. First past the post is not fit for purpose, We need a more proportional system. We need more democracy, more accountability. At every level of society. Some form of proportional representation is needed, otherwise the dice are firmly loaded against us.
We need to work towards being a republic. If you are serious about taking back control, one of the key things that needs to happen is to break down the barriers that prevent you from taking back control; the moneyed, vested interest elite, the aristocracy and the monarchy all need to be stripped of their power. That power should belong to everybody.
I've saved the best until last. One of the best ways to hasten our speedy return is to break up the union. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland needs to be dissolved. It's a ridiculous anachronism that needs to be firmly consigned to history. Breaking the union will create a domino effect that will bring down Tory England with a gigantic thump and free it's Celtic colonies. A United Ireland now seems entirely possible, Scotland could well vote for independence this year and there are rumblings in Wales. It only takes one of them to break free and the door is wide open.
Many people just won't get this, but then so many people are dickheads. It's really quite simple. Today is the first day of the new decade. I'm not going to repeat myself because you can jolly well read what I posted a year ago here. It's maths and in maths you have two choices, the right answer and the wrong answer. If you can't grasp this very simple concept about when decades start then you really are utterly stupid. If you start wittering on about Gregorian and Julian calendars then you are beyond stupid and need to crawl under the nearest stone. This is not up for discussion. You're welcome.