Tuesday, 8 November 2011

The power of blogging?

Last night I blogged about ‘Winterval’ and today the Daily Mail, the paper that supported Hitler, prints a retraction:

"We stated in an article on 26 September that Christmas has been renamed in various places Winterval.

Winterval was the collective name for a season of public events, both religious and secular, which took place in Birmingham in 1997 and 1998.

We are happy to make clear that Winterval did not rename or replace Christmas."

n.b. just in case there are any Daily Mail readers passing by: of course I don't really believe I had anything to do with it.


  1. The paper that supported Hitler? So do I take it that you boycott the mail because of this?

  2. Chill my man!
    I boycott the Mail boycott because it's full of shite. It dishes up daily doses of hate for the poor unfortunates who only see the world in black & white.

  3. So why the Hitler comment then....what was the point?

  4. That must be a really hard question I guess....lol

  5. Why that fact in particular though?

  6. Now now boys, play nicely!

  7. Paul Garrard said...
    Why not?

    9 November 2011 17:13

    Absolutely, just thought you'd be as honest and outspoken with the answer as you are in the rest of the blog. I guess "why not?" pretty much answers a big part of the question. But, what about the part that isn't answered because it might start you painting yourself into a corner? lol

  8. Hmmm!, I think he has your back against the wall there Mr G, and as for you Mr Jizzman, your name sums you up!

  9. Mr H said...
    Hmmm!, I think he has your back against the wall there Mr G, and as for you Mr Jizzman, your name sums you up!


    and we can all see how your mind works can't we,Mr H? LOL

  10. Straight back atcha Jizzman! pmsl
