Monday, 22 December 2014

Tory 'values'

Conservative 'values' are built on greed, oppression and inequality. Tories, whatever their hue, be it blue or purple, are the bully boys of British politics. And people are gullible enough to believe them and vote for them.

If you repeat a lie often enough people will start to believe it. It's how the rich remain in control and maintain their supremacy.

A Tories raison d'être is to ensure that blame is always assigned down the socio-economic scale; divide, conquer and exploit. Tory politics is nothing but evil.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

The real meaning of Christmas

Today is the reason why we have Christmas. The fact that we've now ended up with the wrong day shows the true ability of the ruling classes to fool the masses. Any other reason for this festive season is just a con.