Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Shout out to artists, musicians, performers, poets and writers - Free publicity

As well as being an artist I run an arts blog, (and a complimentary Twitter account). I’m always happy to help publicise the work of fellow creatives.

If you’re an artist, musician, poet, performer, writer, promoter or curator and you would like some free publicity for your work, or your latest project, then why not send me your press release or an article you’d like me to publish about your work. Please make sure it is written in the third person and include at least one picture. I will do my best to publish it.

Planning an exhibition?

If you’re arranging an exhibition or show and you are looking for contributors etc etc please contact me and I’ll put a shout out.


If you’re making podcasts that relate to the arts please get in touch and I’ll give you a mention.

In the first instance message me on here and I’ll give you an email address to send contributions to.

Please feel free to share this.

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