Thursday, 1 April 2010

April Fool

As a kid 'All Fools Day' offered an opportunity to amuse with schoolboy pranks. It offered an opportunity to try and get one over on your contemporaries, whilst at the same time invariably being fooled by your father. It was a morning of relatively harmless homemade fun. I'm not sure what the custom is/was in other parts of the country but in Suffolk the rule was that if you tricked somebody before noon then they were the April fool, but if you did so after noon then the joke was on you, and you were the April fool. Unfortunately since 'the media' have picked on the 1st of April it all seems to have become a bit tiresome. It's also become less immediate, and despite 'the media' essentially being ephemeral the joke hangs around far longer than one morning thus rendering 'the media' the fools. But we all knew that anyway.

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