Friday, 18 October 2013

Jumpers no longer for goalposts

Great news!

Along the lines of ‘let them eat cake’ Cameron and his evil mob have decreed that in face of exorbitant fuel price rises the ‘poor and needy’ should wear jumpers to keep warm. So as a public service I thought I’d scour the jolly old interweb for what the Tories might expect us plebs to wear.

Despite affecting a confident pose Roger still felt like a
complete dick in his Daily Mail ‘readers offer’ cardy
Betty still couldn’t quite believe that both Wilson and
Keppel were avid fans of Throbbing Gristle
Slightly confused Ronald had decided that
what would really keep him warm on his
zero hours contract would be a gonad cosy
Malcolm had decided that precautionary measures
were necessary when wearing his new cardigan to bingo
Rupert was unstinting in his efforts to try and blend in with the proletariat
Marjorie had concluded that if the poor refused to
wear jumpers that a sound thrashing would be in order

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